Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

Nicknamed ‘Satan II’, Russia has put its longest-range-nuke-capable missile on combat duty last week. Indeed, Yuri Borisov, the head of the country’s space agency Roscosmos, said: “the Sarmat strategic complex has been put on combat duty.” Satan II is an intercontinental ballistic missile system being capable to hit “any target on Earth”. It is the longest-range missile in Russia’s arsenal and the world. Over 200 tons, it can carry 15 warheads, each of them 50 times more powerful of the bomb of Hiroshima. Carrying hypersonic missiles (to reach speeds of nearly 16,000 mph), it is an unstoppable weapon. Indeed, only one Satan II is capable to erase from the map Germany or a similar size country in one strike.

Blast of the Hiroshima Bomb.

New war technologies have always changed the geopolitical map and, although gunpowder was invented in China, it become the critical component during the Renaissance. In the year 1326 a depiction of a gun description appeared in a manuscript written by Walter de Milemete. Called as Concerning the Majesty, Wisdom, and Prudence of Kings, it displays a gun with a large arrow emerging from it.  In 1346 during the Battle of Crecy between the English and the French the British used the cannon to repulse a large force of crossbowmen deployed by the French.

Cannons of around the Renaissance times.

The English cannon was used defensively in 1346 during the Siege of Breteuil to launch fire and burn down equipment before it been used. Anyway, the early European cannons were small, but eventually went larger by the end of the 1300s. But long before the cannon appeared in the battlefield, in times of the ancient Greeks, the catapult was invented.

Dionysius the Elder invented the catapult in Greece about 400 BCE.

Indeed, Dionysius the Elder, a Greek from Syracuse, invented the catapult about 400 BCE. From then, it became a fundamental weapon in warfare, remaining its importance until mediaeval times when the cannon arrived.

Archelogy evidence suggest the existence of an ancient advanced humanity.


What is the connection between these new warfare weapons and the concept “arbitrary”?  The definition of arbitrary says “based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system”. So, the conclusion is that, although rulers’ whims were necessary in past history, for them to prosper through deceit to stay in power, creating wars and currency, to rule the ruled through fear, now with atomic bombs is different. It is different because, in times of nuclear weapons, ruler’s whims who don’t respect international treaties, will push humanity to an Armageddon, perhaps once again. I say perhaps once again, because some archaeological evidence suggests the usage of precision industrial tools of lost civilizations. But, although this is a matter of speculation, Satan II is not, and it is operational and here to stay. So, unless the arbitrary whim of the immature rulers (specially of the West) doesn’t stop now, they will probably end this civilization, and man will need to start all over again. Wait and see what happens.

Now the answer to question 67.


Is something false, something arbitrary?

a) Yes.

b) No.

The answer is: b) No. An arbitrary affirmation is not true nor false, because it is beyond sensory perceptions, logic and reason. An arbitrary example may be: “You can’t prove that X exists, but you also can’t prove that it doesn’t exist.”  But in logic you can’t prove a negative. The absence of proof does not prove the absence.

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