“The noblest joy is the pleasure of understanding.” Leonardo da Vinci.


Charles Kocian First Post

Without Leonardo Da Vinci, without the Renaissance, the U.S. Declaration of Independence would not have existed. Although the Founding Fathers arouse admiration, these heroes of freedom were inconsistent in answering the moral question: What is good? Is good he who wins or is good he who loses?

The Achilles’ heel of this valuable document is the omission of the premises that sustain the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If they are omitted it is not possible to validate them, therefore, neither can be validated the moral basis on which the institutions of the USA are sustained. This omission made it possible for Marx ideology to infiltrate the collective soul of this, apparently great nation, whose collapse seems inevitable. Therefore, it is imperative to identify and validate them to purge what fouls the spirit of freedom. We will only diagnose the first part of the text that says:

“We hold these truths evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness… “

U.S.A. Declaration of Independence in 1776.

We take for granted that these are irrefutable truths, but what premises did these great men omit? Are they valid? Let us go in parts. First, all men are born unequal, as they born with different luck, social class and genetic characteristics. Secondly, Darwin demonstrated that all living beings are created through natural selection, not by any Creator. Thirdly, natural selection does not endow man with inalienable rights, except its right to compete. Therefore, neither the right to life and liberty exist except for men who choose to compete in a free society.

Recapitulating, men are created unequal, by natural selection and its only inalienable right is to compete, that is, to pursue its own happiness. But the right to life, liberty, property and free speech exist only for men who believe in reciprocity, because they realize that the division of labor produces a society of broad human free cooperation, words with which Friedrich Hayek, one of the fathers of the Austrian school of economics, defined Capitalism.

Capitalism is a society of broad human free cooperation because, like sports, it encourages free competition between individuals, fosters the joy of the expectation of winning and celebrates the pride of having won. Although capital is in few hands, and they don’t play always by the rules, is an ideal that encourages individual development. It pushes people to become the champions of themselves, but although some win and others lose, that is not a problem, because you can try again and again to become better and better and more and more creative to serve others producing better products at better prices. But, the morals of the losers inverts the moral values with the double objective of alleviating their resentment and making the winners feel guilty. It was that capitalist-guilt that allowed Collectivists to raise taxes on the rich to narrow the inequality gap? It was that capitalist-guilt that allowed Collectivists to create Keynesian central banks to print fake money and destroy the economy with inflation? Why not metalic gold standard?

In what type of society do we want to live? In the freedom of a pragmatic fair Capitalism or the bondage of Collectivism? In a Keynes or Hayek economy? What model are we going to follow? Hercules or Jesus? We all agree with Jesus when he comdemns the lack of empathy of psycopaths and sociopaths. Indeed, Jesus words in the Bible reads, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. But, although not all richs are lack of empathy, it is a fact that power corrupts. But, is power or lack of reason what corrupts? Is Jesus a model of empathy, reason or altruism? No, no and no! God is dead! Nietzsche exclaims. But, can God exist and don’t exist at the same time? Long Live the State! Marx exclaims. Really? Is cultural Marxism replacing God? If true, what are the premises behind? The Kant moral imperative? Plato’s primacy of consciousness? If culture molds our minds what molds culture? Philosophy? Propaganda? Religion? It happens randomly or is design by the rulers? And who rule the rulers? Philosophy? What kind of philosophy? Can a wrong philosophy steal reason and logic? Can man, the rational-animal, be a man without logic? What is reason? Do we all live in the same pysical space? If we all live in the same planet and perceive with the same senses, are there absolute truths? Gravity exists? The Periodic Table is absolute? Can the irrational build a just society? Can reason build a New Renaissance?

We explore the answers of this kind of questions in our philosophy game, essay, novels and this posts as well.

The destruction of the Berlin Wall didn’t end Marxism, but gave birth to cultural Marxism, that promotes and finances all kinds of social class-struggle, not only bourgeoisie versus proletariat, but poor versus rich, black versus white, immigrants versus locals, vegans versus carnivores, vaccinated versus unvaccinated, feminism versus man and the list goes on and on.

Destruction of the Berlin Wall, November 9, 1989.

Although cultural Marxism is winning the moral contest, the tide will change only when man decide to go to the moral gym. But where is it? It’s here and is called EXCEPTIONAL MIND, an educational philosophy game that —in a metaphor— allows man to win the Olympic Moral Games and produce a New Renaisance.


The author invented a philosophical game and its book of answers. Download the free demo version to discover more!


In each of these weekly posts, Charles connects one of the 94 questions of its philosopy game with three historic events. The first, a current new; the second, a related event from the Renaissance; the third, a related event in times of Ancient Greece and arrive to a conclusion.

School of Athens. Fresco by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino.


This posts are written to free spirits, proud of winning without guilt; to exceptional minds, who enjoys their cognitive luxuries without remorse; to libertarians of the Austrian School of economics, who support individualism and condemn collectivism. We write to man, who celebrates their wealth and freedom; to devotee parents, who want to teach the finest critical thinking skills for their children; to exceptional artists and adventurers, who are inspired in nature’s beauty; to scientists and intellectuals, that are upscaling humankind with their discoveries; to sophisticated entrepreneurs, who are exploring new opportunities of unparalleled possibilities. We write to free spirits, who want to design bespoke destinies; we call unique minds, the new Da Vinci’s of the New Renaissance.


The goal of this blog is to inspire free spirits, to climb their own Mount Everest; to those who dare, to pursue the best version of themselves; to brave souls, who want eudaimonia beyond vanity.


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