Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

Recently Elon Musk X company is under legal revision by the EU’s Digital Services Act. The investigation is focused on dissemination of disinformation, “hate” speech and illegal content. Apparently, the Digital Services Act is a law with good intentions to promote transparent advertising in social media platforms, regulate algorithms and determine what is disinformation. By the way, what is the definition of “disinformation”? The fact is that Elon Musk is allowing divergent opinions on X in relation to the war of Ukraine and the Gaza genocide, an accusation South Africa did to Israel in the International Court of Justice of the UN.  Is that “hate speech” or disinformation? Is the book The Israel Lobby, by John Mearsheimer, disinformation too? Think and judge by yourself! Are the EU rulers writing laws based more in lobbies than objective facts? Musk, is uncomfortable for the ruling class today; Galileo, to the Inquisition in the Renaissance.

Digital Services Act of the EU.

Galileo, a curious man who lived in the Renaissance, wanted to know how reality works and he invented the telescope. He observed that the moons of Jupiter were orbiting that planet. Using reason and logic he asked himself: “if the moons of Jupiter orbit that big planet, can other planets orbit other planets or suns?”. Based on Copernicus previous discoveries he was able to demonstrate that the Earth was not at the centre of the universe, and was moving. He wrote its Dialog book, forced by the Inquisition to retract and, not to be burned as Giordano Bruno, he said he was wrong, but he knew he was not. More than that, the Inquisition punished him for life prison in his house. Those rulers believed Galileo’s ideas were “heresy”, a kind of old “hate speech”, and disinformation. Going back to Ancient Greece, Socrates was not the favourite by the rulers of Athens either.

Galileo showing its telescope.

Indeed, Socrates was a Greek philosopher in times when Plato and Aristotle were alive. All what we know about Socrates is from Plato’s books, because Socrates never wrote any. Some people believe Socrates was an invention of Plato, as a literature character and technic to show Plato’s philosophy to the mass. Whatever the case, what we know is that Socrates was accused and he defend himself in a trial in Athens. Plato wrote a book about it. The final result was that Socrates was condemned to death, took the poison and died when he was 80 years old. What were its crimes? One of them was “disinforming” the young. Was he? He was focused on facts rather to please the rulers of its time.

Socrates death.


Today, Musk; in the Renaissance, Galileo; in ancient Greece, Socrates. These great men have been accused of promoting disinformation. Were they? Will Musk follow the tragic destiny of the former geniuses? Do rulers like divergent ideas? Are their ideas based on facts or the Asch social conformity experiment? Will you arrive to your own conclusion or follow others?

Now answer to question 87.


Productivity is to achieve self-esteem or social-status?

The answer is: Productivity is to achieve self-esteem not social-status. Man’s productivity derives from an objective mind that is focused on facts. This causes self-esteem not necessarily social-status. Self-esteem, respects nature; social-status, any society. Galileo and Socrates are good examples.

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