(Answer at the end).
By Charles Kocian
In the last post we learn that the West premises derive from the ideas of Plato, Kant and Aristotle. The latter formulated the Law of Identity: A is A. It means that if something is what it is, in a given moment, it cannot exist and not exist at the same time, and cannot be A and B at the same time.
Aristotle formulated the Law of Identity that says: A is A.
Tucker Carlson, in Fox News, talked recently about Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson refusing to define what a woman is. Is that difficult? What is a woman? Woman have child, men don’t. Naturally, a pregnant woman must exist before having a child. In other context, we know that a brain must exist first before having a thought. But Plato said the opposite and, his views, gave birth to Christianity.
Talking about dogmatic mysticism Galileo comes as an example again. He was put in jail for life by the Inquisition because he discovered that the Earth moves. He was almost put into the wheel, a torture instrument. Why? because he discovered a fact of nature.
The Wheel, and instrument of torture of the Inquisition.
The conventional mind in the Dark Ages derived from superstition. In the Plague, Inquisition believed that witches where guilty and they burn them to death. Mystic irrationality has said that a man is capable to commit a crime before he is born. It is called the Original Sin. That narrative condemns man to live outside Paradise because its ancestors had eat an apple. What other irrational examples can we find in history? Many kinds of genocides committed by the good shepherds and its propaganda. In politics, Hitler and Stalin governments are the most famous examples.
“The Original Sin and the Expulsion from Paradise” Michelangelo. Sistine Chapel.
Plato ideas has helped shepherds to rule the sheep. Plato said that consciousness existed before existence. But, if consciousness is to perceive similar things and differentiate them from others, how can you have consciousness if there is no things to perceive or differentiate?
Plato’s theory is illustrated in the Cavern Allegory.
Plato’s Cavern Allegory
The final conclusion is that Plato’s theory is wrong because is not logic nor scientific. It duplicates the material world and invents an eternal world in another dimension. It cannot be perceived by the five senses but by intuition. He said that the material world is an illusion and the things we can see are only shadows of the other world he named the world of “Forms”. We cannot prove this, but accept it by faith, that is, we need to deny the validity of our five senses to begin knowing reality. Is that science?
So, again, what is a woman?
In Plato’s view, not the biologic-woman your perceive with your five senses.
But an exceptional mind it can only think using objective concepts derived from reality. Our books and game allows you to acquire the highest quality concepts. Rolls-Royce minds use Rolls-Royce concepts.
(Now answer to question 3).
Plato’s theory says that the world of ideas derives from the material world.
a) True
b) False
It is false. Plato says the opposite.
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