(Answer at the end).
By Charles Kocian
CNN confirmed that USA House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will arrive in Taipei next Tuesday night. Will this trigger World War III between USA and China? “Don’t say we didn’t warn you!” said the China government in recent days. It was the same phrase before they went to war with India in 1962. “Those who play with fire will perish by it” Xi Jinping warned to Joe Biden last Thursday to stop Pelosi’s visit. Are conflicts between global powers inevitable? Ronald Reagan Carrier and its Strike Group is already near Taiwan. These conflicts of powers are old as history, but nukes are not.
Ronald Reagan Strike Group.
But compared to 1992, today the West is weak in relation to the East, rationally, financially and militarily and looks like a kinetic war between cultures is inevitable. But kinetic wars happens when critical thinking fails. Is it failing now?
Peloponessian Wars beetwen Athens and Sparta.
“All Athenians must not question the military power, but just to support their country in this time of need against the evil Persian Empire. … “ some Athenian said before Pericles. After the Persian War, Athens became so powerful and wealthy that triggered Sparta’s envy causing the Peloponnesian Wars. Sparta was a well-established power but a paranoid city-state. Its ideology was of permanent fear for a helot revolt. They just couldn’t stand Athens’s expansionist ideology that was conquering the Mediterranean World.
Athenian Plague.
The Peloponnesian Wars was a Subversion Warfare played by competing Oracles and happened after a pandemic hit Athens. Thucydides, the historian of the Peloponnesian Wars, writes nor the sacrifices to the gods or the doctors were helping to survive the plague. The rich and the poor were dying side by side. People dedicated to all pleasures ignoring all morality before they die. Where Oracles useful to political subversion purposes?
Delfos’s Oracle.
Subversive activity is design by government to destroy its political enemies through treason, sedition, sabotage or espionage, but mainly through psychological warfare and cultural propaganda, the latter mainly through art and education. The elite behind governments have always controlled the mind of the people for their own advantage, from Greek Oracles, to books and Internet.
Galileo’s Dialogs.
During the Renaissance after the printing press was invented, danger ideas saw the light. One book was particularly dangerous. It was called Dialogue, published in Florence in 1632 by Galileo Galilei. Today it is well known the Inquisition accused him of heresy and condemn him for life. What was his fault? To trust his own senses and critical thinking process observing the solar system through the telescope he invented.
Luther 29 Theses that change the world.
Another dangerous idea saw the light through the printing press. On October of 1517 Martin Luther marched up to the castle church in Wittenberg and nailed its 95 Theses to its door. This triggered the Reformation Wars between the Catholic and Protestant churches. It started with a Knights’ Revolt in 1522 followed by the German Peasants’ War in the Holy Roman Empire. It intensified after the Catholic Church began the Counter-Reformation against Protestantism. The Thirty Years’ War ended after devastating Germany, killing almost one third of its population. But something special and different happened in England.
First meeting of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
During the war in 1533, English King Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church after marrying Anne Boleyn, becoming the Head of the Church of England. That happened after the Pope excommunicated the King. Some years later in 1611 King James VI published The King James Bible, described as one of the most important books in English culture and a driving force in the shaping of the English-speaking world.
The Printing Press invented in the Renaissance changed everything.
The printing press was a new liberating technology but a double-edged sword and, out of control, it was dangerous for the ruling powers. Without the printing press, The Renaissance, The Reformation, The Anglican Church, the North American and French Revolutions wouldn’t have happened. Just like Internet, it was a liberating tool for the ruled, but a threat to the rulers. In the West and the East there always have been censorship, surveillance and control of the information to the masses. Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, just like Galileo, are examples of this. That is why George Orwell warned the world of this type of Society in its novel 1984.
1984 George Orwell novel.
Subversion is design by the rulers to rule the minds of the ruled to accept the irrational or reduce its capacity of critical thinking. For some people “Democracy”, is more than a political mechanism, but some form of political subversion. The same can be said to religious literature and modern art sometimes under Machiavellian bad faith. Some people say that the USSR and the Chinese Communist Party already subverted the United States Institutions destroying its values. Former Vice President Mike Pence said: “Beijing is employing a whole-of-government approach to advance its influence and benefit its interests.”
Houston Post Front page with Cassius Clay sentence in 1967.
East and West both, subvert people’s minds to retain their power, but some ruled have stronger minds, like when Muhammad Ali resisted the cultural propaganda. Indeed, he was accused as unpatriotic when he refused to go to the Vietnam War. “My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some dark people, or some hungry people in the mud for big powerful America” he said.
Subversion and propaganda cannot rule the mind of a critical thinker.
(Now answer to question 10).
What is the name for the process of demoralizing, destabilizing, producing a crisis and re-normalizing the culture of a society?
a) Cultural education
b) Cultural subversion
The answer is: cultural subversion.
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