Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

On Monday 20 of February U.S. President Joe Biden arrived to Kiev and said: “Together, we have committed nearly 700 tanks, thousands of armoured vehicles, 1,000 artillery systems, more than two million rounds of artillery ammunition, more than 50 advanced … rocket systems.” He added that “another half a billion dollars… will include… artillery ammunition for howitzers, more javelins, anti-armour systems, air surveillance radars.” While in U.S., former presidential candidates rallied against Biden’s ‘war machine’ in a desperate effort to prevent a Nuclear World Holocaust.

Biden in Kiev, February 2023. Source Image:

Although Biden promised 700 tanks, will them be ready, with its soldiers trained properly before is too late in the battle field? Does a promissory note today assures a delivery of wealth tomorrow? Is Biden’s promise like the dollar, a promissory note based on wrong premises not backed by sounding gold? Does an apple exist if its cells are invisible?

A century after Leonardo’s Renaissance, Newton didn’t need to see gravity to understand it. He only saw an apple falling from a tree. That is, from the sensory information he received from his senses, he processed that information using logic algebraical mathematics skills to discover the law of gravity. It applies from apples to planets, stars and galaxies. Many things behind an apple falling from a tree uh? That is the result of an exceptional mind who lives in the altitudes of a higher knowledge. Those landscapes can be compared from those to be seen from the summit of Mount Everest.

Newton and The Apple. Source Image: The Asian Age.

In ancient Greece, Pythagoras of Samos, another exceptional mind, founder of Pythagoreanism, influenced the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and, through them, the West in general. Around 530 BC, in Croton, southern Italy near to Sicily, he founded a secret society school in which initiates lived a communal, ascetic lifestyle to become better human beings.

 Although Pythagoras did not indulge in the pleasures of love, he married a lady of Crete and had several children with her. He is well known by the famous Pythagorean theorem.

Aristotle discovered the Pythagoreans used mathematics for solely mystical reasons, not for practical applications, as Newton did. They believed that Universe itself were made of numbers, as if numbers could exist by themselves, without entities or things to be counted. This numbers that can exist without things to be counted influenced Plato’s theory of the primacy of consciousness over existence, that is, as if ideas could exist before a brain to have an idea after seeing the material world.

Plato’s Theory of the two worlds. Source image: YouTube Jest Education.

Kant, an intellectual disciple of Plato, said that perception was just a phenomenon that didn’t allowed man to see reality “as it is”, therefore, logic is useless and words is just a social convention. In other words, Kant said that to be able to see the universe “as it is” the only way to see it is without any sensor, without perceiving it. Is a nonsense in itself.

Kant’s Theory of Knowledge. Source image:

A Kantian professor seat his three years little daughter in his knees and asked her: “Where is daddy” She pointed his body. “No, that is daddy’s body, where is daddy?” The little girl believing she was playing pointed to daddy’s head. “No, that is daddy’s head, where is daddy?” After three more times, she understood his father was not playing, and started to cry, because she wanted to be with her daddy, but he was gone. By the way, where is Zeus?


Kant says that the perception of an apple is just a phenomenon, not related to the apple “as it is”, nor man can see its cells or atoms. Plato says there is an eternal apple in the world of Forms. The apple that felt into Newton’s head, was just one shadow of it, another imperfect material irreal apple. But, to make those affirmations, Pythagoras, Plato and Kant, all when they were little boys had bodies and brains, they all have eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose to perceive the material world. They all begin to speak after receiving the information from the real world from its senses first. If that didn’t happened in the first place, they would never have pronounced their first words, therefore, they would never be able to think and arrive to those erroneous conclusions.

Now answer to question 39.


Is there an apple if you don’t see its cells?

a) Yes

b) No

The answer is: Yes, because the “phenomenal apple” derives from the entity that exist by itself.

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