Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

In May 24, 2023 James Rickards post an article we recommend to read in called “DEI Must DIE”. He said “The letters DEI stand for diversity, equity and inclusion, which is the mantra of corporate and political America today”. He continues saying that those words were used not in a common-sense (accordingly to the meaning in the dictionary) way but in an Orwellian fashion meaning the opposite. “In his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, Orwell wrote the slogan of Big Brother’s political party as WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.”

Orwell’s novel. Source Image:

Rickards continues its article saying that this woke trend wants to destroy the carbon and nuclear power industry creating “15-minute cities” to, not to choose but, to force you to ride bicycles. He says that climate change is the hidden agenda of a totalitarian globalist government ruled by an unelected elite, but other people think is a religion of pure woke faith, meaning faith, to believe in something without evidence or based in fallacies. What “Dei must Die”, “Sin Dei” and “God is Dead” have in common? Its biggest sin: the irrational. Is this the first time in human species evolution history that the rulers want total control over the ruled? Are they rational? Are the rulers of secret societies rational? Platonists or Aristotelians? Do they understand the difference between the primacy of existence over conscience and vice versa? Monkey’s brothers of the lodge wake up! But what happened in Europe when Kings and Popes ruled together?

Charlomagne Coronation. Source image:

Charlemagne was crowned “emperor of the Romans” by Pope Leo III in 800 CE restoring the Roman Empire in the West since its dissolution in the 5th century. Four centuries later UK was not a Totalitarian state, because its form of government practiced was Feudalism, that is, when “government” and “army” in practice are the same thing. In those days Kings owned all the land wo was divided amongst its nobles who oath to provide him military support. Earls, Dukes, and other nobles oath to obey the King, but in England, on June 15, 1215, in a field at Runnymede, King John affixed his seal to Magna Carta confronted by rebellious barons. He consented its demands to avert civil war.

King John signing Magna carta in 1215. Source image:

Above Kings was the Church, running its own government throughout “Christiandom”. It owned, land and collect taxes and interfered the Kings, although in theory, the Kings of Europe were all the vassals of the Pope. The Earls and Dukes were vassals of Kings and, although Kings were in practice more independent, they could face major political challenges without the support of the Vatican. What do they all had in common? Faith, their thinking started believing in something is not there.

Heretic fate. Source image:

When reason starts without evidence, although conclusion may be logically right, they are factually wrong. The Inquisition burned Giordano Bruno and other heretics (a Greek word meaning “free thinker”) and punished Galileo because his thought begins with the facts of its telescope instead of the Catholic dogma. Pseudo reasoning or logic out of facts (faith) was the root of religious propaganda in the Middle Ages, not only of the ruled but also the rulers, except for the heretics like Galileo, who were punished to think by themselves, far beyond the madness of the Inquisition. Technically, irrational monkeys! Was the cultural imprint of ancient Greece more or less irrational? It depends on the city state.

Thirty tyrants ancient Athens: Source image:

For example, a year after Sparta defeat Athens in 404 BC, they allowed Athenians to replace a government of the Thirty Tyrants with a new democracy. But despite the authoritarian grip of Sparta on the Greek world they lost their dominance under Theban general Epaminondas. It didn’t las. Very soon after the Macedonians took over Greece with King Philip II, who turned his country into a military powerhouse and, from then, the destiny of Greece became inseparable with the empire of Philip’s son: Alexander the Great, whose teacher by the way was Aristotle.

Alexander the Great. Source image:


In conclusion we can say that, if man is a rational-animal first, we cannot deny our animal DNA reality of 98% of chimpanzee genetics. By the way, a good way to understand human geopolitics is to see The Empire of Chimpanzees in Netflix. Second, reason is not automatic but a choice. Who has make that fundamental choice explicitly? Third, reason can start from observation or revelations, facts or faith. It is a fact that we live in the Earth, a not flat sphere who rotates around the sun; it is a fact that fossils animals show human descends after 4 billion years of evolution, and that Darwin is right, and scriptures say nothing about dinosaurs. It is a fact God exist, but as a Platonist allegory; it is a fact that observation and revelations are different type of data. Climate change is becoming the new religion, the new pseudo-science to support faith, not faith in God but faith in woke, for me, a synonym of blurry. Diversity, equity and inclusion are blurry words that, if their meaning is blurry or becomes a matter of faith instead its definiton in the dictionary, the wrong meaning of this words can change the whole psychology inside a mind’s person and, therefore, its emotions, because emotions derive from words and words influence each other. All this is explained in detail in the Champion’s Renaissance book that soon it will be launch. A person who begins with the irrational, their interest and emotions will accept the unacceptable. He becomes the sheep of the Orwellian totalitarian state, a sheep who goes to pray to the church of the blurry woke. They are blurry sheep who feel blurry guilty of their blurry carbon print. They think its original sin is to exist, to breathe, to fart, so they pray with guilt: WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.”  I should add DEATH IS LIFE. Soon the blurry woke will burn any heretic who dare to say that 2 + 2 = 4.

Now answer to question 53.


Does the new meaning of one concept influence another?

a) Yes

b) No

The answer is: yes. Why? Because context matters.

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