Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

If all female cells have XX chromosomes and all male cells XY, are they equal? A judge, recently said, cannot tell because he is not a doctor. Perhaps doctors should be judges and vice versa? Can a male-cell-made-body change its XY chromosomes after a gender surgery? No. Biologically is impossible. There is no surgery or hormone treatment for that. Can anybody who is mentally healthy think that 2 is not 2? Yes. But that is mental sickness. In the US, nearly one in five adults have mental illness; one in 24 has a serious mental illness and one in 12 has a diagnosable substance use disorder.

In the US, nearly one in five adults have mental illness.

When the mind follows whim, when derived from evasion, man have produced the Inquisition and sects, old or modern. But when the mind follows reality, man discover its laws and, respecting them, invents from fire to the microchips. It is science. If all the cells of a body have XY chromosomes, that is a given biologic absolute reality that no surgery or gene expert can change. What a person chooses to do with its given natural and absolute reality of its cell biologic gender is free. But all choices have absolute consequences to the person who make that choice, and only for the person who makes that choice.

Courtesy of the Inquisition.

If the natural biologic gender of all the cells is given, natural and absolute, why contradict your biologic nature if it appeared first?  Just as biologic gender is first, any derivative is just that, a derivative of the original. So, derivatives cannot exist without originals, just like multiplication cannot exist without learning to count first. “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” said Newton. There is an order in the universe and our biology and biochemistry responds to that order.

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Newton.

In 1159 John of Salisbury wrote in his Metalogicon: “Bernard of Chartres used to compare us to dwarfs perched on the shoulders of giants”, comparing 12th century scholars to the ancient scholars of Greece. Standing on the shoulders of giants means to use the understanding gained by major thinkers who have gone before in order to make intellectual progress, that is, the new knowledge gained by previous discoveries.

Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun by Nicolas Poussin, 1658.

In ancient mythology of Greece, the more common story is that Cedalion, after Orion was blinded by Oenopion, stood upon his shoulders so he could walk to the East. When he arrived the rays of Helios restored Orion’s sight.


Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, Einstein. They are giants standing in the shoulders of giants. If existence is what it is, it is given, natural and absolute and, it cannot be changed. An atom of hydrogen, is an atom of hydrogen and not an atom of oxygen; existence, is previous to consciousness; biologic cellular gender, is previous to psychological genders feelings; healthy feelings derive from healthy thoughts; healthy thoughts, from perceptual reality; reality exists, with identity; something is something and no other thing; A is A. Man can choose to contradict the absolute given existence of nature, but the man who choose it is the only one to pay the absolute consequences of its decisions. Human laws cannot contradict the given and absolutes laws of nature. If a politician is going to make a decision, better well informed; if they don’t want to see, nature agree for them to be free, but the consequences is cultural decadence we all have to see. If you don’t want learn to count, forget about multiplication; if you don’t want to understand what you read, forget about knowledge; if you don’t want to learn mathematics, forget about physics or computer science; if you want to be a medical doctor, remember it is illegal to practice medicine without a license. Common man!

Now answer to question 55.


What is hierarchy when learning?

a) That first you learn to multiply and then to count.

b) That you go to school first then to college.

The answer is: b) First school, then college.

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