Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

Richard Wagner was a great artist based on Platonism. His works are mystic. Admired by Hitler, one of his famous works were Siegfried and Lohengrin, two extraordinary operas.

For some unknown reason a mercenary army called Wagner is fighting against Ukraine. It is odd because, as many people say, the neo-Nazis rulers that apparently rule Ukraine should admire Wagner, although some other people say that the rulers of Ukraine are the victims of the nazi holocaust: the Jews. What is the truth? Who knows! Anyone should make its own inquiry and arrive to its own conclusions.

Siegfried Wagner’s Opera.

Anyways, in time of war (and in peace) the truth is difficult to unveil.  The last Wagner Prigozhin act opera act in Russia has ended. Prigozhin said it was not a coup d’état. Whatever the case, now is time for the next act, perhaps from Belarus towards Kiev. Again. Who knows!  And who knows what is inside the creative mind of the writer of the storytelling. It is said that the politicians, MSM and social media speak what the man behind the curtains writes. It looks like that has been the case since the Bronze Age and beyond backwards in history. In fact, rulers have always wanted to rule the minds of the ruled, and through any mean, from the propaganda of the architecture of the Pyramids to the Delphos Oracle and from Hollywood to Twitter.

1984 Orwell’s novel.

George Orwell was very clear about it and shows how the rulers rule the minds of the ruled in its novel 1984.

In times of the Renaissance, corrupt Popes like the Borgia’s family, owned the minds of the ruled; the Kings owned the land. Peasants lived in guilt and fear, from childhood to their graves.

Pope Alexander VI.

As we said in the last post, Rodrigo Borgia was a corrupt pope who adopted the name of Alexander VI. He was involved in many scandals of the Borgia family. Who could know the truth in those days when people believed that the Earth was the centre of the Universe and all the stars were obviously moving around, something everyone could see at night? What kind of “conspiracy theory” Galileo was involved to say that the Earth was moving around the sun? Was he possessed by the Devil? Was he a spy from the Ottoman Empire? Anyways, the Vatican condemn him for life.

Trial of Galileo.

In the last post we also wrote about the case of Hypatia of Alexandria, who was murdered by fanatic Christians because she wanted to think by herself based on empirical evidence.  Socrates did not have a better fate when he wanted to think by itself too and was encouraging the youth to think by themselves as well. The Athenians condemned him to death when he was 80 years old because he wanted to use the rational part of its brain: its neocortex.

The Death of Socrates.


The conclusion today is that objective truth is difficult to know. Mystics will never reach it if they start with the premise of the primacy of consciousness over existence. Perception, and therefore consciousness, is not possible without a material entity to be perceived and without a material sensor to receive the energy derived from that material entity in the first place. In other words, you can’t know if the apple is there if it is not there, and you cannot know is there if you don’t have sensory organs to receive its light or smell coming out from that apple. Concepts must derive from percepts to be objective concepts. But secret services (including the Delphos Oracle and the Vatican) during wars, (and in peace times as well), they write the plot and tell the stories of the old gods and modern gods. 

The Oracle of Delphos.

They are the storytellers who create perception and manufacture consensus for the ruled, as the Asch Experiments shows. Today we have MSM and social media doing it. On top of that you have syntaxis, the way to form grammatical units of knowledge in the sentences you use to think. To be a rational-animal, as we can see, is not a simple thing, and the brain of a man (with 98% chimp DNA) must be aware of its epistemological reality if he wants to think objectively and by its own, and not to be a victim deceived by Plato, Wagner or secrets groups of ruler’s chimps who are only thirsty of power to rule the minds of ruled chimps through fear and guilt.

Now answer to question 57.


Syntax” studies how grammatical sentences should be ordered to speak well.

a) True

b) False

The answer is: a) True.

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