Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

After President Biden said that the US is not in any recession Wikipedia freeze the edition page of the term ‘recession’ that was changed almost fifty times only in one day. This happened after persons of the Biden administration have tried to argue the US is not in any recession. What is its definition?

The common definition is a two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth or a fall of GDP.

With that definition USA is in recession because that is the fact. Anyone can deny a fact, but the fact is still there.

Evasion of reality happens when a person denies reality to defend its personal beliefs. The Paleocortex of the brain is the denier, that instinctive part of the brain that understand only two standards of measurements: FRIEND or ENEMY.

The Paleocortex of the brain.

During the Renaissance, on the 17 February of the year 1600, the Vatican burned alive Giordano Bruno, the Italian scientist accused for the crime of believing that the Earth moves around the sun. The Church denied this fact considering it heresy. In those days the general belief was, accordingly to Ptolomy, that the center of the universe was the Earth. Bruno’s death is a testimony of the evasion phenomena that occurs automatically inside a human brain. The Paleocortex only have two standards of measurements: FRIEND or ENEMY.

Bruno burned alive at the stake in Rome in February 1600.

Recently the Catholic Church recognized that Galileo had been right in supporting the theories of Copernicus, but no such admission has been made in the case of Giordano Bruno. His writings are still on the Vatican’s list of forbidden texts.

Galileo and its telescope.

Another example of denying reality is the clash between Plato and its disciple Aristotle. Plato’s theory of Forms was, in short, that ideas existed before the material universe, including any brain to have an idea. Aristotle sees that Plato’s theory only duplicates reality. For Aristotle, an idea can exist only after a human perceives the material world. For Aristotle a thing and its characteristics could not exist separately as Plato said.

School of Athens painting. Plato and Aristotle at the center of the image. 

For Plato the real existence exists in other dimension and the material world is illusion. For Aristotle the sensible world we perceive is the only world that exists.

In my view, Plato had a brilliant rational Neocortex but sequestrated by a Paleocortex who was defending its mystics beliefs in the gods. Plato was a boy who grew in a culture that believed that Zeus was God.  Perhaps it’s a good idea to ask for God concept’s definition. Is Paleocortex defending the concept God? The truth is that there is no any scientific evidence that proves the existence of ZEUS or any god. Man, is an orphan of the universe; its origin, a chemical accident.

God, Zeus or anything cannot exist and not exist at the same time.


The conclusion is something Galileo said:

“Two truths cannot contradict each other”.

(Now answer to question 11).


A person’s paleocortex denies reality if it contradicts its culture.

a) True

b) False

The answer is: True. A person’s paleocortex denies reality if it contradicts its culture.

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