Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

Trans “women” have been beating sport competition by a landslide. Is it fair for woman?

Last days, the president of The International Boxing Association said that those who pretend to be women in international championships “were trying to fool their colleagues”. Indeed, many athletes were disqualified from the Women’s World Boxing Championship after DNA tests “proved they had XY chromosomes, that is, they are males. In the animal kingdom, males have naturally more levels of testosterone. There is a clear difference between lion and lioness.

Male, are XY; female, XX. Source image: Authentic Cards Inc.

The rulers of sports rules agrees that, XX athletes should compete with XX athletes; XY, with XY. They say that it is necessary “fairness among athletes and professionalism.”

But, after a series of DNA-tests, it was found that XY athletes were trying to fool their colleagues pretending to be XX athletes. Aristotle said A is A, the principle of identity in logic. Where is logic today? Where it was in The Renaissance?

Thomas Aquinas was impressed by Aristotle philosophy.

In the Renaissance there was an enormous philosophical activity in order to repair the damage to logic when God was the only truth to humanity.  The printing press allowed Aristotelian philosophy, already accepted by the Catholic Church after Thomas Aquinas, to spread everywhere.

Printing Press spread Aristotle ideas in the Renaissance.

What was most remarkable was that humanists put more energy to make Aristotelian texts clearer and precise, studying them in the original Greek and, with philological techniques, analysed them to enrich the philosophical debate. For example, the Aristotelian interpretations of Alexander of Aphrodisias, Ammonius, Themistius, Philoponus, Simplicius, and many other Greek commentators were added to the views of medieval and Arabic commentators.

Aristotle Thoughts. Source image: The Muslim Times.

Aristotle, (384-322 BCE) is the author of a knowledge system that became the method of Islamic and Christian philosophy. After the Renaissance, the Reformation Wars, and the age of Enlightenment, Aristotelian ideas still are valid today.

He covered all parts of philosophy, such as botany, chemistry, ethics, history, poetics, zoology, political theory, psychology, metaphysics, rhetoric, biology, physics and most importantly: logic. Indeed, he founded formal logic and define the Law of Identity (A is A).


Aristotle’s philosophic system (analized in the DIM Hypotesis book, by Leonard Peikoff) has lasted centuries because is it based on observation, evidence and facts. For him, man is tabula rasa when he is born and he learns through observation discovering the given things of nature and its absolute laws. Many of this laws where discovered by Newton, Maxwel and others during the Enlightment.

Aristotle teaching Alexander the Great.


Aristotle knew lighting, was not Zeus; male, not female; A not B. Although women competed in the Olympic Games in Paris in the year 1900, for the first time in history, perhaps, to be completely fair, in this “inclusive” world, it’s time that the Olympic Games authorities add the category of trans, so that trans people can compete in the Olympic Games with other trans people. But that is not fair enough. They need to add all the other gender identities, such as gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer and many others gender categories listed in Wikipedia. (

Looks like the Olympic Games authorities will be a little trouble to organize the Olympic games in the future.

Yes, or is so stupid what I am saying?

Now answer to question 44.


A concept identifies the common characteristic of the entities that own it, and refers to a specific measurement of a particular entity

a) True

b) False

The answer is: False, because it identifies the characteristic of a group of things they have it, but omits their particular measurements.

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