Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

The Coronation of King Charles III has been a renaissance of consciousness, not from its epistemology, but because its symbology. Indeed, this week, the world witnessed a historic event as the new monarch of the United Kingdom was crowned. Its coronation ceremony, steeped in tradition and grandeur, marks the beginning of a new era for the British monarchy.

King Charles III Coronation. Source Image: India Posts English.

While the event itself holds significant modern-day implications, it also evokes parallels with similar events in the Renaissance and Ancient Greece, emphasizing the enduring connection between symbolism and consciousness of mankind.

King Henry VIII Coronation in Westminster Abbey on 24 June 1509. Source image: Tudor Nation.

In the Renaissance, the crowning of a new ruler was often seen as an opportunity for cultural and intellectual rebirth. That happened with Henry VIII. A new King means a new period to celebrate the potential of human achievement and ushered in a newfound sense of self-awareness. The coronation of King Charles III echoes this sentiment, presenting an opportunity for the British nation to embark on a journey of self-reflection and renewal.

Leonardo da Vinci Vitruvian Man

The Renaissance was characterized by a surge in artistic expression, scientific discovery, and philosophical inquiry. Figures like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Galileo Galilei pushed the boundaries of human knowledge and reshaped the way people perceived the world. Similarly, as King Charles III assumes the throne, there is a sense of optimism and anticipation for a renaissance of ideas, creativity, progress and beauty in the United Kingdom, but beauty understood (as my friend and artist Jaime Ferrer said) as derivative from nature’s order and not man’s whim.


In Ancient Greece, the concept of consciousness played a central role in understanding the nature of humanity. Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle delved into questions of self-awareness, knowledge, and the pursuit of a virtuous life. Aristotle said man’s telos, (its main purpose in life), was eudaimonia. Eudaimonia is happiness from a virtuous life derived from the morality of reason to reach moral excellence. The coronation of King Charles III resonates with the Greek tradition, as it represents a pivotal moment for the British people and beyond to reflect on their collective consciousness and an opportunity to strive for a more rational enlightened society.

Ancient Olympics Games. Source Image: History on the Net.

During the ancient Olympic Games in Greece, athletes from different city-states would compete to showcase their physical prowess. Beyond the athletic competition, the games also served as a forum for intellectual exchange and the celebration of human potential, intellectual exchange very popular as it is represented in the painting of the School of Athens. In a similar vein, the coronation of King Charles III symbolizes a unifying event that transcends political divides and invites the British populace and the world to come together in pursuit of shared aspirations and ideals. But again, it all starts by an individual discovery of logic integrity to achieve eudaimonia. A high consciousness is not collective, on the contrary, completely individual derived from intellectual honesty.

School of Athens.

The notion of consciousness of humanity, as a whole, is only a derivative of those few who care about intellectual honesty, versus the many who do not. It is through conscious rational choices of individuals that societies evolve, making history in the process. We must never forget that societies are made by individuals, and that consciousness is an individual thing, of all individuals, including the consciousness of the rulers and the ruled. The coronation of King Charles III is a testament to the power of collective consciousness, but as a derivative of individual great minds, as they shape the destiny of a nation and influences the course of its future. Therefore, it’s our choice to see King Charles III coronation as an opportunity for the New Renaissance of reason. Perhaps schools of objective epistemology should be all over the place. Why not?

King Charles III Coronation: Source Image: ABC News.

As King Charles III ascends to the throne, he assumes a role that demands an acute awareness of the needs and aspirations of his people. It is through this conscious understanding and engagement that he will navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Similarly, the Renaissance and the philosophical inquiries of Ancient Greece were driven by individuals who recognized the importance of conscious thought and action in shaping their respective societies. Epicurus, a great Greek philosopher, arrived to the conclusion that a virtuous life derived from long term pleasure and, for Aristotle, that sustainable virtuous pleasure was only possible through eudaimonia.

Epicurus said long term pleasure was virtuous. Source Image: TheCollector.


In conclusion, the coronation of King Charles III serves as a bridge between the past and the present, evoking echoes of the Renaissance and Ancient Greece. It invites us to reflect on the profound interconnection between the individual consciousness and intellectual honesty in human agency. As we celebrate this historic event of King Charles III oath, to serve its people and the Law of the Land, let us as individuals make a solemn oath too, for our reason to serve reality, for our emotions to serve reason, and for our productivity to serve eudaimonia. Each individual oath is a small step for one man, but it can mean a giant leap for mankind, to see a new era of enlightenment and growth for the United Kingdom and beyond.

Why not do our part to make a better world? Everyday we have the choice, to crown reality, as the ruler of reason; reason, as the ruler of our emotions, and productivity, as the ruler of eudaimonia.

Now answer to question 50.


The concepts of consciousness refer to all psychological action of man.

a) True

b) False

The answer is: true.

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