Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

The debt ceiling crisis in US, although solved for now, it can damage a fragile economy, because it looks like the nation’s finances are not sustainable, because a downgrade on Treasury securities may be on the way. This is bad news in a severe downgraded government not any more respected by the media, as Fox News clearly said that US is a dictatorship as this images show.

Tucker Carlson in his Twitter show talked about “wannabe dictator.” Carlson said that those words were up for 27 seconds. Less than one day the producer who put the banner on the screen resigned. That happened some hours later former President Donald Trump had pleaded not guilty to federal charges related to keeping classified documents. “Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested.”

Are effects caused by causes? How to find the truth? Perhaps reverse engineering is necessary, staring with the concepts we use to think.

What about the Renaissance? In the Renaissance scandals happened all the time.

Borgia Family Corrupt Pope.

Art, science and prosperity was the signature of the Renaissance. But many people say that corrupt prominent families like the Borgia’s and Medici’s were notorious by their murders and scandals.

Rodrigo Borgia, a Spanish family, later Pope Alexander VI, was corrupt. After becoming a priest, he had an affair with Vanozza Catanei and had a children. That is nothing with all the scandals of the Borgias. Historians tells that Giuliano de ’Medici was killed by the Pazzi family in front of 10,000 people in front of a church.

Was ancient times free from corruption? No. In the Hellenic period of history we have the story of Hypatia of Alexandria, who was murdered by fanatic Christians, some historian says, although not all scholars agree.

“Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all.”
Hypatia of Alexandria.

Hypatia promoted her students to differentiate reason and critical thinking (based on evidence) from supersticion and fables, something mystics don’t tolerate. Perhaps they killed her beccause she loved truth. Something similar is the death of Socrates. What about the death of Alexander the Great? Is not very clear for all historians. History could be very interesting if it was true (some cynics say). Anyways, to understand history, a person should act like a Sherlock Holmes or an archaeologist or a forensic medical doctor. He should analyse all the evidence, including contradictory evidence. He must have in mind that facts are facts and cannot exist in one way and other at the same time.

Alexander the Great.

For instance, God cannot exist and not exist at the same time. At last, every person has to make a decision to live starting with evidence from sensory perceptions or by faith, or revelations or whim or lies. Whatever the decision, free it might be, it has absolute consequences for the person who decided.


So, what have in common the US debt (that will never be paid), the wanabee or not wanabee dictators, the scandals of the Renaissance and ancient times? They all show the decisions of individuals. Those who decided to kill Kennedy felt the consequences. The consequences for the path of the world were absolute too. People should choose better when voting, because the consequences are absolute. They should use their head and critical thinking skills and never allow its context to manipulate their minds and emotions. The Chimp’s Empire still have a long way to grow. All decisions produce absolute consequences. All absolute consequences are absolute effect with a precise cause, and only one cause and one context. If he looks like a no-dictator, acts like a no-dictator and speaks like a no-dictator, then… you fill the blank. Lastly and most importantly, before you start thinking, be sure to think with objective concepts containing objective percepts, because pseudo-thinking with floating concepts has absolute consequences, and are not good you.

Now answer to question 56.


To validate a concept, you have to reverse engineer it.

a) True

b) False

The answer is: a) True.

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