Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

Many news about climate change is seen every day. Recently terrified tourists escaping from Rhodes in Greece with scenes of panic of desperate evacuations. Canadian wildfire smoke puts around 70 million US residents under air quality alerts and masks are available for distribution. The Greek Island became scorched by vicious flames and some tourists had no air conditioning or cold drinks, due to no electricity, for three days. Many saw lots of smoke, but not the fire. It was like a climate change Armageddon.

UN Agenda 2030 Chart.

The 17 points of the UN 2030 Agenda were launched in New York on 7 September 2015. They are grounded in international human rights and, among its 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets, they include gender equality, no poverty and climate action among others. Although it all seem reasonable, under what premises are their goals? Who elected them? Is the UN the new government of the world? What is its role? Are the UN working bureaucrats serving their countries or vice versa? Are they working for the tax payers of their countries or for an elite of pseudo-intellectuals, perhaps with wrong premises? Is the UN worth it or it has been subverted with wrong philosophies? Is the UN obsolete?

Global Warming Map.

Anyways, although it’s true that human activity has a role in climate change, there are natural factors that affect the Earth’s climate, like solar and volcanoes activity. Some scholars say that the human contribution to modern warming is near 100%. Modern apocalyptic climate disaster has been predicting since the 1960s, but none of their apocalyptic predictions have come true, although they make sensational headlines that sell newspapers, so rulers can keep the ruled under fear and guilt. How dare you! This apocalyptic industry is called Apocalypticism.

Apocalypse painting.

Wikipedia says that “Apocalypticism is the religious belief that the end of the world is imminent, even within one’s own lifetime. This belief is usually accompanied by the idea that civilization will soon come to a tumultuous end due to some sort of catastrophic global event. Apocalypticism is one aspect of eschatology in certain religions—the part of theology concerned with the final events of world history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity (societal collapse, human extinction, etc.)… Apocalypticism is often conjoined with the belief that esoteric knowledge will likely be revealed in a major confrontation between good and evil forces, destined to change the course of history.”

In the Renaissance, the German artist Albrecht Dürer did a woodcut work showing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse inspired from the Book of Revelations.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, by Albrecht Dürer realized in 1498.

Before the times of the Renaissance, in Western Europe, near the year 1000, Christian philosophers didn’t agree on Jesus’ birth date, causing confusion when the apocalypse would occur. Millerism, Seventh-day Adventism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Harold Camping, Islam, Judaism and many others are examples of irrational movements who believe in Apocalypticism. What about ancient Greece?

Image inspired from the Cover of the Book Ancient Apocalypse of Edras.

Although The Greek Apocalypse of Ezra, is a pseudepigraphal work dated between the 2nd century and the 9th century, where its author’s visions witness the punishments for sinners, and considering that the origin of the word “apocalypse” itself is Greek, its original meaning is “catastrophe”, but for the ancient Greeks did not mean the end of the world with a catastrophe. Indeed, both, Greeks and Romans, believed that the universe was eternal and that it will exist forever, so in their culture they didn’t have stories, literature plots or art about the world ending in a catastrophic apocalypse.


Apocalypticism, from Judea-Christian to the Ancient Norse religions; from the Mayan calendar disaster of the year 2012 to the Far-right accelerationism; from UFO religions, Hermetic Sects and Zoroastrianism to Global Warming and Climate Change, they all have one thing in common: fear and guilt. Today, it looks like the 2030 Agenda is trying to convince humanity that the new sin is to exist, breathe, fart, because man’s CO2 destroys the planet. Is this the new no-God religion of the UN? Is the UN spreading unscientific fear and guilt? Shall man surrender its freedom of thought and right to disagree with the UN bureaucrats? A new UN inquisition is on the move? How can we know the truth? Can science become a religion when it is not rigorous with the scientific method or the UN, perhaps, can manipulate data? Perhaps yes. The last proof is the disagreement between scholars about the vaccines of the last pandemic. Can A be A and B at the same time? ChatGPT says no.

As we said in the last post, the soul of man, the rational-animal, is reason, and reason first of all, it is an individual faculty. It is a conceptual faculty that makes man a man and no other thing. But, to use reason or not to use reason, it is not obligatory, neither to use it properly. To use it properly it is a daily choice. It is a daily habit. So, to be a real human is a matter of choice. Are we serious about using reason properly, at our best? Will you turn on the light of reason in your mind, at your best? By the way, what is reason? Again, as we said in the last post, reason is (in Ayn Rand words), the identification and integration of the material provided by the senses. Stop for a second and think about it! This mean that concepts must derive from percepts and science from the discipline of the scientific method. Here I have to say that parents should be really serious to teach their children objective epistemology, because no school will do it. So, I invite them to play the game I invented.

Continuing with the conclusion it must be said that, to use reason, man’s thoughts must match sensory perceptions, otherwise he will live with cognitive dissonance between his thoughts and sensory perceptions, and be obliged to take refuge in functional self-deception making its one-time happiness opportunity to be gone. That is mere ingratitude after 4 billion years of life evolution, for irresponsible parents. We are not going to say “How dare you!”, because the choice to be irrational must be respected if we want our free choice to be respected, our choice to use reason properly or to be irrational is an individual decision.

Now answer to question 61.


Is man’s “free will” absolute?

a) Yes.

b) No.

The answer is: a) Yes, because, whether someone chooses or does not choose to choose, in both cases he chooses, therefore, his free will is absolute. This means that it is an absolute fact that every action produces an effect. In other words, nobody can escape the absolute consequences of its choices, by action or omission.

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