Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

On Sunday August 27, “The identities of all 10 of the deceased have been established, and they correspond to the flight list,” the Russian committee’s chief spokesperson Svetlana Petrenko said refereeing to the DNA testing of the bodies of Prigozhin and others who were in the Wagner leader’s jet who crashed on Wednesday 23 when it was flying from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The event happened a week after Prigozhin released a video (apparently) filmed in Africa reopening recruitment for the Wagner Group for “reconnaissance and search activities” against “ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and other bandits.”

BRICS 11, a clear tide to the East.

The precise objective causes of the event are under investigation and perhaps will never be known, but the West mainstream media accuses Russia with no conclusive evidence, showing more Russophobia propaganda. Russia has denied any participation in the event and Putin has described the businessman as a talented man of complicated destiny who made a significant contribution to the fight against neo-Nazis in Ukraine. This happened the same week BRICS incorporated Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Iran to the group, and Trump and collaborators mugshots went public, because they say the 2020 election was rigged. This marked, perhaps, the mugshot of a Banana Republic ending empire.

The mugshots of US suspects accused by a Banana Republic.

Just as the Roman and British Empire ended, now appears that the US empire is ending as well. Although all the money sent to Zelensky, the US is losing the NATO-Ukraine war against Russia, showing that the tide of power in the world is moving from West to East. The NATO countries sanctions against Russia has punished economically not Russia but them and also is weakening the dollar. Countries don’t trust the US anymore because they can freeze their assets if they feel to do so.

Luther’s reformation begining.

The Reformation 30-year-war, that occurred during the Renaissance, shows the decay of power of the Catholic Church after Luther, not trusting the Pope anymore, rebelled against him. It started in the year 1517 when Martin Luther’s published its 95 Theses in the door of a church. Luther wanted independence, replacing the authority of the Pope with the authority of the Bible. This was the democratization of God, because anyone could read the Bible thanks to the printing press. But in those days not only the Bible was printed, so the printing press marked the democratization of knowledge too.

The Printing Press contributed to the democratization of reason.

Indeed, the books of Greek philosophers were printed, and also the book of Galileo explaining that the Earth was moving around the sun. The Church Inquisition did not like the evidence from Galileo’s telescope, that showed the moons revolving around Jupiter, proving that Tolomy’s theory was wrong. In short, just as Internet today, the printing press contributed the renaissance of reason. It gave an opportunity for individuals to research and think by themselves. But as we know, very few people are enough curious and have the courage to dare to think by themselves. Instead, they choose to live in the comfort zone in their self-deception-safety-boundaries-of-their-cultural-propaganda. Now and then, to live afraid of hell (or guilt) because you disagree with the ruler’s will (who are afraid if you think) is a life-decision, a decision not to think, a decision for not to see objective truths, a decision to become sub-human instead of a rational-animal.

Socrates death.

Socrates in its time had the same destiny as Galileo in the Renaissance: he was condemned because he loved reason and was a free thinker, beyond the boundaries of its cultural mold. It is said that its accusation was a political move by Miletus, but anyway, it is common to see in the homo-sapiens species evolution history the same trend: independent minds who choose to really think produce ressentiment to the rest who don’t. Those human apes who don’t decide to use its rational faculty, instead of acting as rational-animals, they choose to act as only animals, without its rational critical thinking skills. They choose to deny the contradictions between their sensory perceptions evidence and their theories or cultural beliefs, they choose to follow the crowds blindly, they choose to ignore the difference between science and pseudoscience. All this is a clear case of individual cognitive dissonance that ends in self-deception.

Homo-sapiens evolution still in progress.


The good news for homo-sapiens species is that he cannot be really happy (achieve eudaimonia) if he first doesn’t decide to end cognitive dissonance, that is, to end the contradictions between its sensory perceptions and ideas. So, to resolve those contradictions, he should follow the evidence of its five senses, because, contrary to what Plato said, facts, evidence and sensory perceptions exist first, ideas come second, and can only derive from sensory perceptions or real things. This means that only starting from evidence is when the process of critical thinking and scientific reasoning occurs. Zeus cannot exist as a material entity and not exist as such at the same time. Eudaimonia is for homo-sapiens, but demands and needs cognitive integrity and intellectual honesty. The person who achieves that becomes the champion of himself.

Now the answer of question 66.


What is evasion?

a) Decide not to see.

b) Not to see involuntarily.

The answer is: a) Decide not to see. To evade is to make the decision to deny reality in order to adapt to a cultural collective irrational belief. It is to deny one’s own sensory perceptions (evidence) to please a group (authority), as the Asch’s Experiment shows.

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