Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

After watching the excellent Oppenheimer movie last week, I realized that the question was not about the probabilities of “if” Armageddon is going to happen, but “when” is going to happen. In this decade, I can well informed speculate, that the probabilities are around 75%. Brainless Biden administration, through NATO, is losing the war in Ukraine with Russia after investing more than 100 billion dollars. This means the Democrats will lose the 2024 elections unless they do something drastic. So, if Trump survives, it is highly probably the Biden will push Putin to the edge and the nukes will be dropped. It will be quick and there will be no place to hide, not even in the southern hemisphere. We all hope this not to happen, at least not soon, but will the human-ape-rulers grow enough to make a serious full nuclear disarmament in the near future? I frankly doubt rulers will choose reason.

Future human colony in Mars.

Elon Musk also fears a future Armageddon. He is related to the Mars Society’s board of directors and has been working in a fully-reusable Interplanetary Transport System through “Starship”, currently being develop to create a colony in Mars. As Wikipedia says “SpaceX plans for early missions to Mars involve small fleets of Starship spacecraft, funded by public–private partnerships. The company hopes that once infrastructure is established on Mars and the launch cost is reduced further, colonization can begin.”

Starship to Mars.

Man conquering Mars will be different compared when Columbus conquered America. Columbus was received by the natives, but evidence shows that they are no natives in Mars. So, there is no need to fight to enslave the Martians. An empty planet will ease the establishment of a human colony in Mars. But for the Spanish “conquistadores” the war with the natives was needed to stole their riches, especially their gold. “In only the first half-century or so of the Spanish conquest of the Americas, over 100 tons of gold were extracted from the continent. In melting down this glittering metal, the conquistadors left behind a trail of death, torture, and destruction.” Says the World History Encyclopaedia.

Hernán Cortés conquering the Aztec Empire.

The ancient Greeks also conquered other lands far away from Greece. Indeed, during the 8th–6th centuries BC, the Greeks colonized lands across the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The migration was organized and originated in the city-states, as “homes away from home”. Many of them eventually grew up into strong new Greek city-states, functioning independently.

Greek colonies of ancient Greece.


The conclusion of this short comparison is that, in the rulers’ human history, Oppenheimer nuclear bomb is “the absolute event” that change their war-games (and life on planet Earth) forever and, it is probable, highly probable, that the rulers’ irrationality will destroy life on Earth. Why? Because they can’t stop being irrational. So, these are the options for the ruled, also irrationals because they can’t stop electing irrational rulers: a) expulse the irrational-rulers, who have their anti-atomic-bunkers ready, b) run to your bunker if you have any, c) buy a ticket to Mars, and depart before the Armageddon, d) accept to die in the blast or by radiation, e) evade and die in self-deception as an irrational coward. As we can see, Oppenheimer-bomb has put both, rulers-warmongers and ruled-evaders, in a context that never existed before in life’s evolution history and, unfortunately, it is highly probable that the irrational will prevail and humanity will end.

Now the answer to question 68.


Things are absolute, but only in a given context and time?

a) Yes.

b) No.

The answer is: a) Yes. Everything that exists, exists absolutely in a given context and time, for example that, if you are still alive, you exist in your world now, wherever time or place you are reading this.

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