Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

Friend or enemy? That is the first question a man’s instinct-brain ask to survive. Let’s call it the Paleocortex and differentiate it from the Neocortex, the rational-brain. The first, can calculate only two percentages: zero or one hundred; the second, all the others between them.

The war between Israel and Palestine shows 70 years of diplomatic incompetence, that is, the absence of Neocortex’ action in the members of the U.N. It looks like confusion has taken the minds of the rulers of humanity. Instead of empathy, good faith and reason, rulers follow the psychopathic Machiavelli advice. It worked before for the Colonial Empires, but it cannot work after Oppenheimer, because it means that we are all going to die in a nuclear Armageddon. All this produce anxiety, stress and depression as explained in this Zero hedge Article.

Israel conflict can trigger a nuclear Armageddon.

So, it’s urgent for rulers to activate their Neocortex ASAP before is too late. “Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika,” written by Scott Ritter, is a read that helps. It’s the history of the implementation Treaty, signed by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, for an historic successful nuclear disarmament. Based on “trust, but verify”, it demonstrated that the Neocortex can run diplomatic relations when there is empathy, good-faith and reason. This paved the way for future treaties between nations.

As Amazon says “Ritter traces in great detail the formation of the On-Site Inspection Agency, who was involved, and how a technologically advanced compliance verification system was installed outside the gates of one of the most sensitive military industrial facilities in the remote Soviet city of Votkinsk, nestled in the foothills of the Ural Mountains in the Soviet Union.” In my view again, only empathy, good faith and honest-reason will avoid confusion and Armageddon.

Scott Ritter in a YouTube weekly show.

What about confusion during the Renaissance? What about the lack of empathy, good faith and scientific reasoning in those times? We already know the lack of empathy of Kings, The Crusade’ Popes and other Leaders of Religious wars. Rulers usually don’t show empathy for the ruled because what drives them is power, like the Spanish Inquisition who burned Giordano Bruno. The Inquisition was a terrorist Institution run by psychopaths. As an ape specie, man’s rulers, generally speaking, are clinically psychopaths, because their lack-of-empathy is one symptom of its narcisistic disease.

Giordano Bruno, as many others, was executed in the flames.

Was ancient Athens confused too? After the Battle of Salamis, (480 BC) when the Greek fleet commanded by Themistocles defeated the Persian fleet, under Pericles government, Athen had its golden age. But they also had problems. Philosophers did not agree and many acted in bad faith only for profit. In those days Socrates was condemned to death. Aristotle, although student of Plato for many years, did not agree with its master years later. He discovered Plato’s Cavern Allegory was not based on evidence. Sparta and Athens fought more than 30 years in the Peloponnesian wars ending the Greek golden age. Alexander the Great, an Aristotle student, ruled Greece and conquered the world installing libraries in all of its Alexandria’s cities. He was Aristotle’s ideas ambassador.

Aristotle teaching Alexander the Great.


Aristotle discovered that ideas cannot exist before sensory perceptions, so he did disagree with its master Plato who believed the opposite. After one millennia, Baruch Spinoza and Thomas Aquinas discovered the same, taking distance from Plato’s metaphysics. If you think about it, you will realize that consciousness cannot exist before existence. Take a minute right now and think about it! Seriously! Stop reading for one minute and do it now! What could you be conscious of if there is nothing to be conscious? Can you see something doesn’t exist? Can you kick a ball that is not there?
If God exists, does he have a favourite son? Growing up believing you are God’s favourite son can develop a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)? Did God created man or narcissists-rulers created God to rule the ruled?

Rulers of the world, can you wake up of your confusion, please, before a nuclear war kill us all?

Now answer to question 73.


Does rational-morality answer the question “what should I do”?

a) Yes.

b) No.

The answer is: a) Yes. Rational morality is the study of what is the best course of rational action for man happiness. It starts with empathy, good-faith and logic.

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