Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

Today’s conflict between Palestine and Israel leads us to read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). In its website says that “it is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations.”

Eleanor Roosvelt.

Article N° 1 says that All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” No reasonable peaceful person wants a Hitler’s Germany State or a Mussolini’s Italy State. Today nobody wants a Netanyahu’s fascist Israel State based on a supremacist Zionist ideology, who says Jehovah choose the Jews to reign the world.  Just like Hitler’s Übermensch ideology, Zionism ideology is a different kind of Übermensch. This is against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Jews, Arians, Palestinians, Chinese, Russians and everybody else are born equal.

The UDHU exists to never again allow any racist supremacy.

But Zionism is not the State of Israel nor the great and lovely Jewish people, like Maritza, my first beautiful Jewish girlfriend. Zionism is a biblical geopolitical ideology based on Jehovah’s Earthly ambitions: the promise land to its chosen people. This God has lack of empathy to the rest of humanity and ignores the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is a narcissistic God with geopolitical ambitions that ignore all the other Gods. The truth is that there are thousands of Gods in human history and, from an anthropology perspective, all Gods are born equal.

No Goddesses or Gods, nor religion or race is above others if you see it from an anthropology perspective. We can find thousands of religions and Gods through human history, as we can see it in the book The Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses written by Michael Jordan or The World’s Religions, written by Huston Smith.

We also can find a list of religions in an excellent article in Wikipedia. Among others you have 9 prehistoric religions; 30 in the Bronze age; 72 in classical antiquity; 27 in medieval times. Buddhism has 86 variations. In Hinduism, 47 religions; Chinese folk religions, 18; Confucianism, 14, etc, etc, etc. There is probable more than 40,000 religions and 10,000 gods in human history records. If all Gods are born equal, why Jehovah should have more value than others? Religions are moral teachings based on fictional stories. It is a mistake, in my view, to use any God for geopolitical purposes, like happened in the Crusades.

This kind of questions was in the head of Baruch Spinoza (1632 –1677) a great Jewish philosopher born in Amsterdam who challenged the nature of God. He didn’t believe in the divine origin of the Hebraic Bible and the earthly power of religious authorities, Jewish and Christian alike. He was frequently called an “atheist” by contemporaries, although nowhere in his work argues against the existence of God, but for him I think, God was a metaphor of nature. Spinoza’s view influenced Albert Einstein.

When Einstein said “God does not play dice”, he used “God” as a metaphor of natural order. He referred to the physics and mathematical laws of nature who are given and absolute. Indeed, in a modern nuclear society, can the UN allow any State to exist if it is based in a religious supremacy who has no empathy to its neighbours? Palestinians and Jews lived in peace in Palestine before WWII. Everybody was the chosen people until Zionism appeared. The following map shows how Palestine has lost territory since 1917, the same year when the Balfour Declaration was signed.

The Balfour Declaration was an official letter on behalf of the British King to help Zionist build its home in Palestine. In that short document it is written “…nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine…”. History shows Zionist ignored those words. The facts are there in the map. It has been 70 years of conflict between Israel and Palestine and a total diplomatic failure in foreign policy of Israel Governments. This conflict also shows a profound hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance of the United Nations in relation to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Are heavenly Gods being used as tools for geopolitical ambitions? What about the Gods of ancient Greece? Let’s see a God called Deimos. 

The Parthenon of Athens, Greece.

Deimos was a God of dread and terror. Son of Ares and Aphrodite, he represented the feelings of terror before war. In the Iliad, he accompanied his father, Ares, into battle. Today’s monument to the battle of Thermopylae, as well as the one at the city of Sparta, Leonidas’ shield has a representation of Deimos.  The Greeks believed in Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite and many others.

That was a long time ago. But in the year of 2023, in the age of internet and AI, after Galileo, Newton, Darwin and Einstein, it is ridiculous to believe in the supremacy of a God above all the others, when there are more than 40,000 religions and more than 10,000 Gods in recorded human history.

Deimos, the Greek God of Terror.


After 4.5 billion years of life’ evolution, the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence of the US and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights it is clear that no man or God is above natural law. All Gods and humans are born equal. We all want free trade and freedom of speech. We want to pursue our own happiness and eudaimonia. We want to pursue a life productive goal to achieve our self-esteem instead of social-status. To live in peace in a multipolar prosperous world we need empathy, good faith, tolerance, reason, science and be diplomatically successful, otherwise, we are all going to die in an absurd Biblical Nuclear Armageddon.

Now the answer to question 75.


What’s the point for a man to choose a productive life purpose?

a) To prioritize its own actions and succeed.

b) To get carried away by propaganda and fail.

The answer is: a) Choosing a productive life goal serves to prioritize one’s actions. It is equivalent to building a football arch where you can score goals. A goal acts like the summit of Mount Everest to climb it. That leads a man towards its self-esteem and eudaimonia.

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