(Answer at the end).
By Charles Kocian
Last night I saw in YouTube the interview Lex Fridman did to professor John Mearsheimer 75, an important scholar of the University of Chicago and today’s most influential political scientist in international relations. He said he was accused as “antisemitic” for writing The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, a book in which he reveals the disproportionate influence of Israel over U.S. foreign policy, something not healthy for those countries.
In the interview he said that the word “antisemitic” has no meaning when it’s used to label anybody who criticize Israel politicians, that today is a far-right wing and wants Palestinians out to build their Biblical Greater Israel. He said that some think tanks are tracking protests around the world and have discovered that six days after Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, 69% were pro-Palestinian and 31% pro-Israel, but after a month of bombardment on civilians in Gaza the numbers changed to 95% pro-Palestinian and 5% pro-Israel.
Lex Fridman doing his podcast.
The interview was done in the Lex Fridman Podcast by Lex Fridman 40, a Russian born and Jewish descent US citizen who is committed to reveal all sides of truth. Speaking of revelations, can you see the connection between the book of Revelation in the Bible, the Christians and Jewish Zionists and the Gaza massacre? The book of Revelation is crucial in Christian eschatology, that is, a part of theology concerned with death, the judgement day and the final destiny of humankind.
Revelation book was written around the year 70 AD. It shows the prophetic visions of John, the author. We don’t know if he dreamed them at night or he was hallucinating after taking mystical drugs. In his psychedelic vision he sees figures like the Seven-Headed Dragon and the mark of the Beast. The apocalyptic plot is about a spiritual war that happens in Judea (todays Israel) and the resolution of the conflict is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem to establish a Greater Israel. Is that the greater good that justifies the sacrifice of Palestinian civilians to fulfil the biblical prophecies? Is it legal to occupy a land ignoring the rights of the people who was there before? No. The Security Council of the U.N. said that Israel’s settlements have no legal validity, and constitute a violation of International Law.
But for Netanyahu the Bible is above the U.N. He recently said to Israel citizens: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.” He was refereeing to the Bible, when God commanded King Saul to kill every person in Amalek, (a rival country of ancient Israel). “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” Netanyahu is using the Bible to justify the massacre of civilians in Gaza, a collective punishment that is a war crime under International Law.
“You must remember what Amalek has done to you”. Netanyahu.
What happened in the Renaissance? In the Renaissance, the book of Revelation was classified as a canonical book in the Council of Florence in 1442 AD, and also in the Council of Trent in 1546 AD. A canonical book is part of a religion’s official text. In those days the Church and the State where not separated, but after the Renaissance in the Enlightenment, great thinkers like John Locke and Thomas Jefferson did it. What about the ancient Greeks? Did they separate the Gods from politics? No.
Council of Trent declares Revelation book as a canonical book.
In ancient Athens the Goddess Athenea was the highest authority of Athens. It was a colossal bronze statue outside the Parthenon on the Acropolis. Just like in Athens, other Greek city states would hold the Gods and Goddesses in regard to the highest authority. The same happened in the Renaissance with the Pope who would elect a King as the Holy Roman Emperor, being God the highest authority in the political structure.
Parthenon and Goddess Athenea.
In ancient Greece and during the Renaissance, Church and State roles were mixed, but after the Enlightenment and WWII the U.N. was created, and it separated religion from politics and faith from reason. Does Palestine, China or India need to live under the Bible narrative? No. But accordingly to Amnesty International, Israel is an apartheid against Palestinians and, to a greater extent, what is driving Israel and U.S. foreign policy is the book of Revelation in the Bible. Will the U.N. be able to impulse a multipolar secular world? We hope so. The global revelation after October 7 is that humanity will not tolerate any children’s massacre done by any kind of chosen people, and also have understood that any holocaust cannot justify another.
The real chosen people are not the chosen people by any God or Goddess but by themselves. They are individuals who choose to become the champions of themselves, that is, to think by themselves and achieve eudaimonia. This self-chosen-thinkers are like Lex Fridman or professor John Mearsheimer, who looks like they choose reason, before faith; empathy, before narcissism; free-speech, before censorship.
Now the answer to question 78.
Reason is a value for all people?
a) Yes.
b) No.
The answer is: b) N0. Reason is a value only for the chosen people. But by the “chosen people” I mean the people of any race, country or culture, not because God choose them, but because they choose reason, before faith; empathy, before narcisism. The “chosen people” is any person who chooses critical thinking, before fear; any individual mind, who dares to think by itself in the middle of the crowd. Reason is an individual choice at any given moment and any given time, because to think or not to think is not automatically, but a voluntary election any person must make every hour and every day of his life.
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