Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

The first images of the Carina Nebula of the James Webb Telescope are historical for mankind consciousness development.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is designed to conduct infrared astronomy to view the formation of the first galaxies. It mirrors consists of 18 hexagonal segments of gold-plated beryllium with a surface of 25 square meters and it is ubicated in a solar orbit 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.

James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)

Two point five millennia ago, Plato and Aristotle, were trying to explain the stars of Constellations with geometry and mathematics. Based on the brightest stars, people distinguished similarities with forms of animals, like Taurus and Leo. The Greeks adopted their constellations from Mesopotamia.

But in the times of the Renaissance a great independent and curious mind invented the telescope. He was Galileo Galilei. It device was the great great great grandfather of the James Webb Telescope.

Galilean telescope replica.

The findings of Galileo’s observations opened the science of astronomy and diferentiated from the astrological pseudocience.

It can be said that the invention of the telescope and the images it have produced have contributed to the evolution of mankind consciousness.

Newborn human.

The same happens to the consciousness of a newborn baby. All images he first see it cannot be interpretated and its brain starts learning through its “mirror neurons”. The mirror neurons were first discovered by neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti. He said that mirror neurons could explain how man learn through mimicry: by observing an action, the brain activates the same parts of the brain that activates to do the action.

Monkey copying human behaviour.


The conclusion is that man’s brain learns by mirroring its surroundings. But mimicry other people is not a critical thinking process based in the scientific method nor objective observation.

What is the future of critical thinking if social media’s mimicry is the norm?

Now answer to question 8.


What are mirror neurons?

a) Neurons that mimic other’s behaviours

b) Refractory neurons of the eyeball

Answer: Neurons that mimic other’s behaviours.

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