Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

Last year Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. published an important non-fiction book called The Real Anthony Fauci. Although mainstream media have said nothing, it has become the first non-fiction best-seller book in the world. Full of references, shows the evidence of Covid lies and questions the WHO. Indeed, odd things happened around the pandemic. For instance, experimental mRNA “vaccines” were created; the Covid PCR test was created and patented in March 2020 and used in all the world; Elon Musk Twitted he took four PCR test in the same day: two, where positive; two, negative. All countries of the world ordered lockdowns (except Sweden); censorship, death of transparency, mail-in ballots in 2020 ease election fraud in US.

Two years later, Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson joined (late) to Julian Assange to expose truth, including government crimes. Is history made by “big lies”? Who writes history? Rulers or ruled?

Elon Musk Twitter in November 13, 2020.

Wikipedia says that: “A big lie is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth primarily used as a political propaganda technique. The German expression was first used by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (1925) to describe how people could be induced to believe so colossal a lie because they would not believe that someone ‘could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously’. Hitler claimed that the technique had been used by Jews to blame Germany’s loss in World War I on German general Erich Ludendorff, who was a prominent nationalist political leader in the Weimar Republic.”

The “big lie” concept was in Hitler’s book.

Some “big lies” of human history are not lies but ignorance, as we learned what happened to Galileo in the Renaissance when he discovered the Earth was moving. He was imprisoned for life by the Catholic Church. But could the Catholic Church be another big lie too? Indeed, but is worse. The book Caesar’s Messiah, written by Joseph Atwill, is a serious thesis that says the New Testament Gospels were written by the Flavian Roman Family Emperors. After the Jewish nationalist Zealots were defeated in the First Jewish–Roman War of 70 AD, they needed a permanent way to control the extreme political virulence of the Jewish militancy against them, so they invented the story of Jesus.

Ceasar’s Messiah, by Jospeh Atwill.

Jesus is the son of God and champion of compassion, but also a pro-Roman character. Indeed, in Mark 12: 17 Jesus says: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” But after Pontius Pilate washed his hands, it is clear Jews killed Jesus and became the villains of this story. You may or not agree with this story, but the historical fact is the Jews were persecuted thorough history, by a big lie? What about one “big lie” (by omission) in ancient Greece?

Pontius Pilates washing hands.

Ancient Greece art was used as propaganda to feed of the Greek soldier’s ego. This includes the stories of the Amazons, but in a different way, by omission. Who were they? Based in real life events, the Amazons was a society of female-warriors, probably descendent of the Thracian race, who helped the Trojans in the Trojan war, but her queen was killed by Achilles. Herodotus, the father of history, wrote about them saying that they could not marry before killing a determined number of their enemies. They seem to excel men in their courage although they were in disadvantage because of their female form. But in a relief marble sculpture, the mighty Penthesilea queen of Amazons is represented begging for Achilles mercy.

Achilles killing Penthesilea, queen of Amazons.

In the sculpture preserved in the Bassae Frieze, a high relief marble sculpture in 23 panels today in the British Museum, Penthesilea has an out stretched arm, begging for mercy to Achilles, whose sword ends her life, stepping on her to show his dominance. But that is not true because all of the known versions of the myth present her as a skilled fighter. Amazons were strong warriors and feared by the Greeks. By depicting their enemies as vulnerable, ancient Greeks passed this idea through history showing women were inferior to men.  That humiliating description of Penthesilea contrasts the final slab of the series in the Bassae Frieze. It shows the Amazon and Greek army making a truce, but why would the Greeks make a truce with a defeated army? It doesn’t make sense. So, perhaps the inspiring art of ancient Greece has attached a “big-lie” in regard to the Amazons, to hide them from history as a nation of female great warriors.

Amazons panting by Volodymyr Stadnychuk. Saatchi Art.


Since prehistoric times, the story of the gods and symbols have been used as propaganda. From Stonehenge to Cheops Pyramid, from Parthenon in Athens to the Pantheon in Rome, art and temples have been the tools of propaganda in human history. The current generation tells history to the new ones. “Big lies” are embedded and institutionalized from one century to the other. They become cultural truths, but are they objective truths? Although God is a cultural truth, is it an objective truth? In Matthew 7:1 Jesus, the son of God, said: “Judge not lest ye be judged”. But if judging is thinking, why not think? Metaphorically, a lion, thinks; a sheep, follows. But why trust the good shepherd? As Ronald Reagan said: “trust, but verify.”

He learned that Russian proverb during the nuclear disarmament discussions with the Soviet Union.

Now the answer to question 85.


Is the virtue of justice the necessity of not judging men so as not to be judged?

a) Yes

b) No

The answer is: b) No. The man who practices the virtue of justice judges others with conclusive evidence and, for the same reason, prepares himself to be judged.

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