Champions Renaissance

(Answer at the end).


By Charles Kocian

While the Gaza genocide continues and Macron threatens to put French troops in Ukraine to fight Russia, Glenn Diesen writes The Ukraine War & the Eurasian World.  Glenn Diesen is a Norwegian political scientist who regularly appears in The Duran, a well-known YouTube channel about geopolitics. About Diesen’ book Amazon says that “Five hundred years of Western hegemony has ended, while the global majority’s aspiration for a world order based on multipolarity and sovereign equality is rising. This incisive book addresses the demise of liberal hegemony, though pointing out that a multipolar Westphalian world order has not yet taken shape, leaving the world in a period of interregnum.” The war in Ukraine is a manifestation.

A tank destroyed in the NATO-Russia war.

During the Renaissance Europe also lived a period of interregnum after the Protestant Reformation wars that ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. The Reformation wars began with a Knights’ Revolt in 1522 in the Holy Roman Empire, escalated with the Counter-Reformation war of the Catholic Church and culminated with the Thirty Years’ War that killed one third of Germany population. The Westphalia Peace recognized Lutheranism, Calvinism and Catholicism in the Holy Roman Empire. The British Empire ruled in the XIX century, but after WWII the US and Soviet Union defined a bipolar world until the fall of the latter in 1991, leaving the U.S. as the only leader of a unipolar world. But unwise U.S. foreign policies didn’t cash out the opportunity to build a unipolar world. The consequence was BRICS and the defeat of NATO in Ukraine. The unipolar world opportunity is no more. It has been replaced by a multipolar world, being China and Russia the new poles of power the U.S. needs learn to respect.

The end of NATO.

The same happened to Ancient Greece when the father of Alexander The Great, Philip II (359–336 BC), ruled over Ancient Greece. It took him 25 years of wise diplomacy, marriage alliances and reformed its army into a superior fighting force. He subjugated the Thracians and other enemies conquering much of their territory. After winning the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC, he established the League of Corinth as a formal Greek-Macedonia alliance. The Leage elected Philip as commander-in-chief to invade Persia, but after its assassination, his son Alexander the Great deliver the task.


Although free trade and individual property rights seems to be the best political system, internal affairs are not separated from International Relations (IR), because, at the long range, foreign policies affect internal policies and vice versa. The conclusion is what follows. Only an educated ruler can bring peace and prosperity to his and other countries, but uneducated voters can only choose uneducated rulers.

Now answer to question 93.


What political system is best for man?

a) Collectivism.

b) Austrian School Capitalism based on individual merit.

The answer is: b) Austrian School Capitalism based in metal gold standard (not printed central banks air currency) with a financial-justice-honest-system.

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