Without a doubt, London, Ronald’s hometown, was a city with personality. It was all very typical British, from driving on the other side to the quirky buses and taxis.
They had arrived at the East Walker Palace Hotel which was just five minutes from Her Majesty’s Stadium where they would play the match.
When he had gotten off the bus and entered the hotel, Victoria appeared by surprise.
“Oh darling! I couldn’t resist coming to see you!”
“It’s the best thing that’s happened to me in the last month,” Alexandre replied.
They sat in the big chairs near the bar and she told him was going to stay with some friends in London for a women-only weekend. Half an hour later Alexandre was already alone in his room.
Victoria had surprised him because she never showed up by surprise when they had previously agreed on something else, but he was glad to have seen her. However, he felt that something was happening to her. He noticed her insecure, weak, dull and with sadness in its eyes. Disappearing once a month without anyone knowing where he was, was difficult for her, but he loved Victoria, and had no intention of leaving her. She had never distrusted him, but now sometimes gave him the impression that she did. At that moment he remembered the kiss Francisca had given him at Villa Ascolassi, but he quickly put it out of his mind.
He thought of Victoria again, How much longer will she hold out? Unfortunately, she couldn’t tell her anything about he was writing the book, but it was for her own good.
But Francisca returned to his thoughts and realized that they were both accomplices in the mission of writing the book and, in that sense, they were deceiving her, weren’t they? Liar! I’m not cheating on her! he thought. But don’t you want to sleep with her? She has you spellbound! Confess it! He reproached himself as he remembered her when he had seen her get out of the pool. And who wouldn’t want to sleep with her? She is the most seductive woman I have ever seen in my life! he thought. Yes, I am a liar, and so what? I need to be if I want to protect her. But today it broke my heart to see her so weakened! he thought remembering Victoria’s face.